Television is one of the electronic information media very wanted society in this time, besides another information media. Television comes from word tele and vision, in television invention, there are a lot of also inovator in concerned inventor side, individual also corporation. Television is mass work is developed from year to year. Beginning from television sure can not be separated from invention base, electromagnetic wave law found by Hendry's Joseph and Faraday's Michael (1831) has been beginning from electronic communication era. Present day television uses various technology like CRT, LCD,Plasma,PLP and OLED.
Technology development from analog television to digital technology is very fast progress, so that picture displayed at television is seen clearer and setail. Digital television or DTV is television kind uses digital modulation and compression system to funnel picture signal, voice and data to television. Digital television is tool used to has caught digital television broadcast, development from analog broadcast systemto digital changes information is digital signal data likes computer. transition from analog television to digital television wants television transmitter ware replacement and telecast receivers. So that can get digital broadcasting, needing digital television. but if we like to permanent use analog television, digital broadcasting can be caught by means of addition has called converter box. When use analog television, digital broadcasting signal will be changed by converter box has been analog signal. thereby permanent analog television user can enjoy digital telecast. Permanent analog television user can use analog broadcast and inch by inch change to digital broadcast technology without be brokened off broadcast service has used during the time.
Digital Television has broadcast result with picture quality and colour more better from is produced analog television. Digital television system produces clear picture and stable although broadcast receivers tool stays in condition moves high speedly. Digital television has broadcast accuracy quality and high resolution. Digital technology needs canal broadcast rapidly very high achieve Mbps for information delivery have a certain high quality.
Digital television is used for broadcast interactive. society can compare digital broadcast quality with analog broadcast. Digital broadcast technology offereds integration with service interactive where does digital television have communication service two directions within reason internets. Acceptable digital telecast by motion less television acceptence system also television acceptence system moves. Digital television emittance need smaller causeses acceptable broadcast well although broadcast receivers tool moves in high speed as in car and carriage. Digital television makes possible channel broadcasting and service more many than analog television. Broadcast administrator can funnel their program digitally and give a chance towards business opportunity with contents creativeer, interesting and vary.
it's nice... thanks for the informations